
The Kentucky CPA Journal


2024 KyCPA Annual Members Meeting and 100-Year Anniversary Celebration

Issue 3
August 28, 2024

On June 14, the KyCPA Annual Members Meeting and 100-Year Anniversary Celebration occurred at the Olmsted in Louisville. The celebration was a roaring twenties-themed event and many dressed the part and embraced the fun of the evening! 

Darlene Crowd

Darlene Zibart, KyCPA President and CEO kicked off the evening by welcoming guests and reading Senate Resolution Number 256, recognizing June 14, 2024, as Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants (KyCPA) Appreciation Day in Kentucky to commemorate the Society's 100-year anniversary. 

She also thanked those who contributed thus far to the $100 for 100-Years Campaign and encouraged those in attendance to donate to reach the $100,000 goal. These funds help grow the pipeline, the future of the CPA profession. 

Zibart then introduced Kayla Gremillion, 2023-2024 KyCPA Board Chair, to conduct the Annual Business Meeting.  Gremillion recognized the 19 past Board Chairs in attendance that evening.

KyCPA Past Board ChairsKyCPA Past Board Chairs
Top row, left to right: Stephen Lukinovich (2011-12), Bob Patterson (2015-16), Jim Stevison (2022-23), Bill Jessee (2016-17), Bill Meyer (2012-13) and Gail Broady (1996-97)
Bottom row, left to right: John Wilson (2005-06), David O'Bryan (1999-2000), Roderick Tompkins (1986-87), W. Thomas Cooper (1977-78), Eric Scott (2021-22), Kayla Gremillion (2023-2024), Mimi Kelly (2010-2011), Lee Groza (2007-2008), Wayne Stratton (1984-85), Kelly King (1995-96) and David Price (2003-04)
Not pictured: Michael Mountjoy (1989-90), Rebecca Phillips (2018-19) and Jerry Shelton (2001-02).
Kayla Gremillion
Gremillion thanked the other members of the KyCPA Board for their service and leadership and recognized the following Board members whose terms ended on June 30, 2024:
  • Adam Davey 
  • Shelby Lee
  • Carrie Owens
  • Jim Stevison (2022-2023 KyCPA Board Chair)

Shelby Lee

Left to right: Kayla Gremillion, Shelby Lee and Darlene Zibart

Jim Stevison

Left to right: Kayla Gremillion, Jim Stevison and Darlene Zibart

"As my year as KyCPA Board Chair has come to an end, I want to convey what an honor it has been to serve in this role during such a significant milestone in KyCPAs history. KyCPA played an instrumental part in my career journey from high school, when I attended a program called Business Accounting Summer Education Camp, receiving several Educational Foundation Scholarships during college, networking through committee and Board service, and learning about advocacy and the impact of our KyCPA-PAC. I encourage you to read each issue of The Kentucky CPA Journal, visit, follow the Society on social media and watch your email for how KyCPA empowers you as a CPA today and for tomorrow. Throughout every stage of your career, there are ways to be involved with the Society such as attending member events, volunteering time, donating and sharing your CPA story." - Kayla Gremillion
(Click here to hear more about Kalya Gremillion's CPA story.) 

Gremillion wrapped up her year as KyCPA Board Chair by introducing Olivia Davis, the 2024-2025 KyCPA Board chair. (Click here to read the Member spotlight featuring Olivia Davis.)

Davis thanked Gremillion for her service and presented her with the Chair plaque and pin.

Olivia and Kayla

Davis introduced the 2024-2025 KyCPA Board members and spoke regarding the focus this year to grow the CPA pipeline. This includes advocating for the passage of the STEM Accounting Pursuit Act and STEM Education in Accounting Act. 

Chat with the CHAir

Join Olivia Davis on September 12 at 12 p.m. eastern for a Chat with the Chair. This virtual event is limited to 15 KyCPA members and is free. Davis wants to hear your ideas about the pipeline.

Olivia Davis

Before concluding the meeting Davis announced that The House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky issued a Citation of Appreciation on March 21, 2024, officially recognizing and honoring the late Helen Hifner Fortune during the 2024 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly and paying a well-deserved tribute to this distinguished lady as Kentucky's first female Certified Public Accountant. In 1935 Helen Hifner Fortune became a CPA in Kentucky with certificate number 174. 

Davis shared that in 1977 Ann Holt was the first woman to be KyCPA Board President. Davis also shared that she is the first Black KyCPA Board Chair before welcoming guest Anoop Mehta, 2022-2023 AICPA Chair, to present a gift from the AICPA celebrating KyCPA's 100-year anniversary. 

Anoop and Oliva

Anoop Mehta presents an engraved silver tray from AICPA to KyCPA Board Chair, Olivia Davis, in honor of KyCPA's 100-year anniversary.

Darlene Zibart recognized Penny Gold, KyCPA CEO from July 2003 to December 2017 before concluding the KyCPA Annual Business Meeting.



Guests continued the celebration later into the evening by enjoying each other's company, dancing and taking fun photos.
