
On-site CPE

Bring quality training to your location

Bring the quality training you rely on us for to your place of business or to our Education Center in Louisville. The KyCPA partners with several vendors to offer in-house, customized instruction for your firm, your finance department, other departments within your organization, and your clients.

On-site learning topics

Topics included in the on-site learning curriculum include (but are not limited to: auditing, tax, management, leadership, IT, internal controls, fraud, computer training, strategic planning, etc.

Benefits of on-site learning

Possibility of no travel costs or wasted travel time
Flexible pricing and scheduling
Personal learning, with close employee-instructor interaction
Reinforced learning possible with workbooks and follow-up reading
Focused, customized presentations

Presentation options

On-site learning is offered in two formats:
Turnkey presentations, which include both a qualified instructor and high-quality learning materials.
Materials only, which offers the flexibility of purchasing high-quality learning materials and selecting and securing your own instructor.

Get started

Let us know what you need by completing this form:

For more information
Kim Copas
502.266.5272 or 800.292.1754