


The KyCPA Political Action Committee (KyCPA-PAC) enables CPAs to help elect business-minded legislators who support our position on issues significant to the CPA profession. By pooling our resources, together we can ensure the accounting profession continues to have a strong presence in Kentucky's legislative and regulatory activities. 

What is KyCPA-PAC?

The KyCPA-PAC is a separate entity from the KyCPA. The KyCPA-PAC is supported solely by the voluntary contributions of KyCPA members. It is registered as a “permanent committee” with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance (KREF).

The Board of PAC Trustees voluntarily directs the KyCPA-PAC’s responsibilities and activities, with the exception of its day-to-day administration. PAC Trustees are geographically disbursed. All Trustees must be members of the KyCPA and must be committed to analyzing candidates and promoting the KyCPA-PAC.

What are the reporting requirements?

Pursuant to Kentucky law, contributor information (including employer, occupation, and mailing address) for all contributions in excess of $100 is reported to the KREF. Additionally, members who donate $100 or more are recognized annually in The Kentucky CPA Journal. For more information on PAC rules in Kentucky, visit the KREF website.

What does the KyCPA-PAC do?

The objective of the KyCPA-PAC is to help protect the trust, confidence, and esteem the CPA certificate holds in the public's eye. Contributions to the KyCPA-PAC are used to support candidates for the Kentucky legislature or constitutional offices who are educated on accounting issues and able to promote sound policies while defeating policies that hurt the CPA profession. KyCPA-PAC funds help us maintain and enhance our legislative efforts and open lines of communication with key lawmakers.

Contributions to candidates are made at various times during a two-year election cycle. Contribution decisions are based upon the following policies set by the PAC Trustees:

  • The KyCPA-PAC supports its own members running for office
  • The KyCPA-PAC supports incumbents running for re-election
  • The KyCPA-PAC supports political parties and legislative caucuses on a bi-partisan level

In addition, KyCPA staff works in cooperation with other pro-business lobbying organizations to gather information on potential candidates.

For more information, please contact KyCPA at 502-266-5272 or

Donate to the KyCPA-PAC online

The KyCPA Political Action Committee needs your support to continue building strong relationships with key lawmakers. Take action today. Please consider making a contribution at one of the suggested levels below, or just give what you can. Every contribution, big and small, helps strengthen the KyCPA-PAC and protect the CPA designation.

Members who donate $100 or more are recognized in The Kentucky CPA Journal at the following levels:

Platinum - $500 or more
Gold - $250 - $499
Silver - $100 - $249

2 options to donate online:

Option 1: GiveButter

Allows you to pay via Google Pay, credit or debit card, PayPal, Venmo or check. 

Note: If you do not wish to pay the processing fee, click edit and uncheck the box. If you do not wish to tip Givebutter, adjust percentage to other and enter 0.

Click here to Contribute

Option 2: KYCPA Website

You will need to login to KyCPA to make your contribution. 

Log In or Create Account

We require some information from you in order to accept a PAC donation. Please log in or create an account now.

Note: Kentucky law requires that KyCPA report contributor information – including employer, occupation, and mailing address – for all contributions in excess of $100 to the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance. KyCPA also annually publishes those individuals who contribute $100 or more in the KyCPA Journal. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, we will refrain from listing you in any KyCPA materials. KyCPA-PAC may only accept donations from individuals or other PACs. Contributions from corporations or pass-through entities are prohibited.