Educational Foundation
Thank you to our Contributors
Issue 1
March 10, 2025
In honor of KyCPAs 100-Year Anniversary Celebration, the Educational Foundation of the Kentucky Society of CPAs launched a $100 for 100-Years Campaign. The goal is to raise $100,000 in recognition of KyCPAs 100 years of empowering CPAs in Kentucky and to continue the growth of the profession.
Make your 2025 Donation Today
Please consider donating to help reach the $100,000 goal!
Ask your employer to match your donation.
Last year the Foundation provided $59,000 in scholarships to 33 college accounting students from 10 different universities throughout Kentucky and Indiana University Southeast. This years scholarship recipients will be announced the first week of April. Scholarships may be used for tuition, enrollment fees, room/board, CPA Exam review materials, books and/or supplies.
You may also mail a check to the Educational Foundation of the Kentucky Society of CPAs, 1735 Alliant Avenue, Louisville, Ky. 40299. If you would like to be emailed an invoice or have questions contact Brittany McGill at 502-736-1359 or via email at

As of March 4, 2025, $62,125 is the total amount donated to the $100 for 100-Years Campaign. Thank you to everyone that has donated, any amount is appreciated and helps us to reach our goal of $100,000. If your employer will match your donation, make sure to take advantage of that offer.
Those that made more than one donation to the campaign; your donation amounts were combined and your total amount donated is where your name is listed under the contribution amounts.
Listed below are all contributors with a minimum of $25 total in donations:
Ray Strothman
Olivia Kirtley
Monroe Shine & Co
Earl Calhoun
Thomas Hackney
Lee Groza
Kevin Joynt
Kristin McDonner
Gail Broady
W. Thomas Cooper
Nancy Davis
Kelly King
Stephen Lukinovich
Bill Meyer
Eric Scott
Jennifer Siebenthaler
Michael Taylor
- John T. (Bud) Lane
- Stephen Daniels
- Dean Dorton
- Kelly Cappy
- Todd Klimek
- Donald Morris
- Dale Skaggs
- Shawn Stevison ($475)
- Justin Alexander ($450)
- Melissa Mattox ($400)
- Lori Street ($400)
- Kayla Gremillion ($350)
- Anoop Mehta ($350)
- Elizabeth Rankin ($350)
- William Stout ($325)
- Irma Miller ($300)
- Robert Mitchell ($300)
- David Smith ($300)
- Jim Stevison ($275)
- Charles Bond ($250)
- Brigettte Mitchell ($250)
- James Phillips ($250)
- Stephen Schulz ($250)
- Kristin Stuedle ($250)
- Christy Burge ($225)
- Hong Li ($225)
- Fangmin McQueen ($225)
- Ashley Williamson ($225)
- J. Robert Buschermohle
- Larry Clark
- Timothy Eldridge
- Stephen Evans
- Lisa Foley
- Harry Freibert
- Walter Goggin ($201)
- Kristopher Kemp
- J. Robert Milford
- Rebecca Myers
- Beth Overbey
- Deena Randolph
- Laura Stallard
- Sam Ulrich
- Amy Sandlin ($175)
- Robert Thieman ($175)
- Elizabeth Freibert ($150)
- Malcolm Neel III ($150)
- Robert Norvell ($150)
- John Pieper ($150)
- Stephen Allen
- James Andriot
- Roger Bean
- Lisa Brann
- Kim Burse
- Brenda Clayton
- Ozlem Davis
- James Frazure
- Katrina Green
- Gregory Greenwood
- Kandi Harper
- James Medina
- Douglas Moore
- Remona Nordsell
- Esther Thompson-Long
$100 donations
- Andrew Ackermann
- Douglas Allen
- Christopher Anderson
- Jaclyn Badeau
- Kathryn Barber
- David Bartley
- Jennifer Barton
- Phillip Beaman
- Cheryle Beauchamp
- Dan Bradley
- Christopher Breslin
- Dennis Buckles
- Randall Buys
- Al & Sue Carpenter
- Jordan Carter
- Cyndi Caudill
- Michael Caudill
- Dorothy Caulk
- Raju Chenna
- John E. Chilton
- John Clay
- Helen Cohen
- Shelly Compton
- Helen Cooper
- Stephen Corbett
- Belinda Coulter
- Kristi Curry
- Olivia Davis
- Lori Dearfield
- Jeffrey Dedden
- Michael Dicken
- Phillip Dishion
- Lisa Dunagan
- Lori Elam
- Zach Fisher
- Myron Fisher
- Michael Foley
- Neil Freibert
- Paul Fultz
- Joseph George
- Penelope Gold
- Chris Gooch
- Carl Gough
- Daryl Hammond
- Walter Hammons
- Joseph Hancock
- Paula Hanson
- Robert Harris
- Jon Harville
- Christopher Hatcher
- Arthur Henson
- Katharina Herbig
- Jonathan Hickman
- Erica Horn
- Jami Hoskins
- Lisa Huey
- Leslie Inman
- James Jackson
- William Jessee
- William Jessie
- Margaret Jolly
- Julie Keller
- Mark Kelly
- Mary Kelly
- Steven Kerrick
- Robert Kirby
- Jesse Kisselbaugh
- Lori Klumpp
- Kari Kollenberg
- Frank Lacy
- Sammy Lee
- Steven Lenarz
- Nate Littles
- Alan Long
- James Long
- Louisville Community Foundation
- Alan Luckett
- Colleen Lyons
- Darrell Madden
- Lance Mann
- Melissa Marvel
- Diane Medley
- Julia Meredith
- Robin Miller
- Grace Miller
- Madgel Miller
- Loren Moody
- Kevin Moser
- Lori New
- Allen Norvell
- James Nutt
- Charles Kevin Oakley
- David Parks
- Daniel Pate
- Bob Patterson
- Neil Patton
- Rebecca Phillips
- David Price
- Joseph Rains
- Richard Rankin
- Todd Renner
- Candice Rickard
- Stephen Rickert
- Todd Rosenbaum
- Myra Ryan
- Brittany Samuels
- Mark Schaeffer
- Jerry Shelton
- Granville Smith
- William Stark
- Josephine Sullivan
- John Tackett
- Robin Teeters
- Dennis Thomas
- Trent Thompson
- Mark Thompson
- Rachael Tucker
- Andrew Ulmer
- Shellie Utley
- Charles Veeneman
- Andrew VonLehman
- Kristie Wathen Saffer
- Lee Ann Watters
- Ralph Watson
- Kristin Wilberding
- Shelia Wilson- Alexander
- Ke'Aira Wooden-Brown
- Kathleen Wright
Julian Gander ($75)
Danny Hardin ($55)
- Beth Akers
- Bobbie Arebalo
- Blake Baker
- James Barrett
- Jacob Boyd
- Elizabeth Branham
- Shelton Bridges
- Austin Brown
- Daniel Buckles
- Adam Campbell
- Abigail Cash
- Martha Clark
- Laura Coleman
- John Copeland
- Emily Elliott
- Bill Eversole
- Jacob Fleshman
- Reid Gayheart
- Christopher Goben
- Joshua Gordon
- Ryan Graham
- Brooklyn Haynes
- Sheena Hodgen
- Adie Hogue
- Stephen James
- Paul Johnston
- M Melinda Karns
- Norman Kruer
- Grace Laufenburger
- Carole Lee
- Blaise McCormick
- Lisa McNair
- Jordan Miller
- Jennifer Miloszewski
- Steven Moore
- Gregory Mullins
- Melissa Natour
- Rosemary Osbourn
- William Routh
- Eric Shadowens
- Richard Shields
- E Larry Simpson
- Nickolas Stephan
- Gary Stephens
- Robert Stewart
- Trenton Stover
- Heather Sunseri
- Hal Toomey
- Claudia Valarezo
- John Vilagi
- Dominique Waits
- Brandon Webster
- Mack Wilson
- James Wooten
- Danny Zickert
Mary Grace Amato ($30)
- Athanasis Agamemnonos
- William Alvey
- Richard Douglas Anderson
- Ronald E. Andrews
- Anthony Arnzen
- Terry Atkinson
- Barbara Baldwin
- Steven Ballard
- Leslie Baynham
- Stacy Bibelhauser
- William H. Bonny
- Maria Bouvette
- Jack Bragg
- Sheryl Braun
- J Scott Brian
- Stephen Brigham
- Gary Broady
- Sydney L. Brooks
- Shirley Buckner
- Thomas Buetow
- James Burns
- Rachael Bushong-Tucker
- J Patrick Byrne
- Kelly Cappy
- Mark Carter
- Patrick Cass
- Lisa Castle
- Michael Cheek
- Daniel Conroy
- William Cook
- Benjamin Cooksey
- Diane Cornwell
- Holly Cropper
- Carrie Crouch
- Sandra Crutcher
- Benjamin Darling
- Thomas Davis
- Erin Dilger
- Michelle Dilliha
- Bill Doerr
- Roy Dorsey
- Andrew Drexler
- Judy Dunning
- Jeffery Enyart
- Tammy Farley
- Robert Faust Jr
- Bret Feger
- Samuel Fell
- Sarah Feltus
- Michael Fiechter
- Louis Fister
- Carol Flynn
- Ray Francis
- Billy Frasure
- Jonathan Frey
- Jeremy Gantz
- Jeanette Garber Zemsky
- Megan Garrison
- Peter Garrison
- Angelo S Gazzaroli Jr
- Jane Gilbert
- Christopher Green
- Ollie Green
- J Michael Grinnan
- Janice Groves
- John Hafner
- Bradford Hall
- Hannah Hamner
- Leyla Hanson
- Kimberly Hardesty
- Greg Hardt
- F Eugene Hargis
- Danny Harris
- Henry Hawkins
- Anna Herr
- Brenda Herron
- Daniel Howard
- Keith Hubbs
- David Hudson
- Diana Hughes
- Michael Hynes
- Patricia Isaacs
- Laura Isgrigg
- Brenda Jackson
- Jeremy Jenkins
- Glenn Jennings
- Robert Jennings
- Paul Johnson
- Roger Johnson
- Dennis Joseph
- Jason Wade Kanipe
- Christine Kesler
- Troy King
- Evan Kinniard
- Regina Lankswert
- Richard Laughlin
- Ruth Lawton
- Rachel Linke
- Thomas Lirot
- Thomas Lonnemann
- Barry Lucas
- Richard Lykins
- Belinda Marlow
- Brian McDonald
- Michael Meadows
- Paul Medina
- Amy Miller
- William Mills
- Natalia MLodzianowski
- Mary Morrow
- Brian Moss
- Kelli Mulberry
- Colleen Murray
- Jeffrey Nuttall
- Young Pak
- Paul Passanisi
- Betty Pendergrass
- Emily Percer
- Gordon Peterson
- Charles Matthew Phillips
- Michael Pierce
- Daragh Porter
- Niki Powers
- Sheri Radler
- James Ray
- W Earl Reed
- Travis Renfrow
- Eric Reskin
- John Rodes
- Susan Rose
- Robert Ruckriegel
- James Ruth
- E Christa Scheler
- Paul Schmitt
- Kevin Schwartz
- Andrew Schweitzer
- Shawne Seibert
- Randall Sellars
- Karen Sensenbrenner
- Wayne Shelton
- Charles Shelton
- Shellie Shouse
- Sherill Simon
- Richard Sipes
- Jennifer Smith
- Beth Smith
- Dennis Smith
- Cindy Smithhart
- Samuel Souers
- Tory Stanley
- Terry Stapp
- Madeleine Stapp
- Jon Stewart
- J Whitney Stith
- Stephen Stovall
- Trenton Stover
- Charles Sullivan
- Rasoul Taghizadeh
- Douglas A. Taulbee
- James Ter Beest
- Melissa Thacker
- Warren Thompson
- Richard Tinsley
- Robert Tonini
- Johanna Turner
- Randall Turpin
- Jeffrey U'Sellis
- Thomas Upton
- Michael Wade
- Karen Wagers
- Andrew Wagner
- Jeffrey Walker
- Matthew Ward
- Scott Warner
- Sharon Warriner
- Jessica Wathen
- Kristen Wathen
- Jane Wells
- Gregory Wells
- Donna Wesseler
- Kimberly Whitley Gahm
- Jeffrey Wilds
- James Wiley
- Thomas Wilkins
- Patrick Wright
- Michael Wurth
- Robert Zik