
CPA Dish featuring Tanner Clark

Serving up advice for those working towards a career as a CPA.

August 2024

Tanner Clark

Tanner Clark, CPA 
Tax Manager

KyCPA member 

What reasons would you provide to encourage others to become a CPA?

Accounting is the language of business. Everyone always needs accountants or someone who understands it. As such, getting your CPA further solidifies that you did the extra work needed to understand and ultimately pass the concepts that are in the CPA exam. Having your CPA can expose you to so many opportunities, whether it be tax, auditing, consulting, advising or in industry.

Why did you decide to become a CPA? If there was a defining moment, tell us about it.

I went to Western Kentucky University. They have a good accounting program there. In my view, if I was going to do the work to get the degree, I needed to continue that work and pass the CPA. Many professors there were helpful in encouraging me (and other students) to go beyond secondary education and get the CPA credential because it can open up so many doors. Additionally, my grandfather was in the banking field for many years and always told me that accounting was a great career choice. I took his advice to heart.

What attributes and skills are good to have as a CPA?

I think all CPAs need to be attentive to detail. No matter what field you’re in, you will need to be able to look at a set of financial information and get answers from it. I think the more attentive you are to detail, the more likely you will figure out and solve problems presented to you. I think you need to be able to deal with people in a professional, kind manner. People are coming to you for help with their accounting problems. The better you can explain the solutions to them in a way that they can understand, the better your rapport with them (and others) will be going forward. Lastly, I think a trait CPAs should possess is a willingness to learn. Tax and financial laws are always evolving. In order to “stay on top of your game,” you need to be willing to sit down, take time and learn about any changes in the tax law or changes in processes.

What is your favorite thing about your current position?

I am a tax manager at a smaller (10-15 employees) office outside of Nashville. We have an excellent client base. I really enjoy being able to help our clients solve their issues in the most tax-efficient way possible. I work for great bosses and am surrounded with other great professionals at the office as well. They make coming in to work enjoyable.

What are some of your personal hobbies?

I live in Nashville, so I am always down for a good time! I love the Titans, so I frequent their games during the season. I also enjoy traveling when possible, lifting weights, playing basketball and running when time allows.

What is your day-to-day like in your current position?

There’s never a set “day-to-day.” I am in the tax field (we deal with individuals, small businesses, trusts, non-profit entities, etc.) and I see all sorts of different situations and scenarios. During tax season the hours can be long, but the work genuinely interests me. One day could be filled with sorting out the gain on a sale of a business from a retiring owner and the next could be deciding how a new entity should set up their financials and elect to be taxed and everything in between. I truly never know what all I may get to work on from one day to the next.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to become a CPA?

I would say definitely do it. Having your CPA can open up many doors. It may be hard (it was for me), but it will definitely be rewarding. It may take a lot of work, but once it is done, you’ll be glad you did it. CPAs are a “dying breed” according to statistics that are floating around out there, so I only think our career-field will be in higher demand as the years go on.

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