Serving up advice for those working towards a career as a CPA.
January 2024
Samuel Waninger, CPA
Partner, Craft, Waninger, Noble & Company, PLLC
KyCPA member
Why did you decide to become a CPA? If there was a defining moment, tell us about it.
It was my freshman year of high school. I took an Introduction to Accounting class and it quickly became my favorite class. I loved the problem solving and analytics of accounting.
What attributes, skills are good to have as a CPA?
I think that CPAs should have a wide range of skills and attributes. In my current position I am in charge of auditing, bookkeeping, tax, and payroll projects so the ability to multi-task is a necessity. In addition I think that you need to be detailed oriented, analytical, timely, and also social to deal with your clients.
What is your favorite thing about your current position?
I love my being a partner because I enjoy helping people understand their situations, help solve their problems, and evaluate their businesses and options. Being able to work on different tasks throughout the year keeps me in a constant state of learning and growing.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to become a CPA?
The best thing I did for my future was to get as many internships in college. I was able to get three internships in cost accounting, internal auditing, and tax. This allowed me to get a grasp on the vast opportunities that my degree would provide me and see which direction I wanted to go before graduation. As a result of this I have been at my current company since graduation.
What was your educational path and why?
I attended Kentucky Wesleyan College and achieved my Bachelor of Science in Accounting in four years. During the four years I took winter and summer classes so I could graduate with my 150 hours and sit for the exam.
What’s a fun fact about you that would be fun to share?
I am from a family of accountants, I have two siblings and two in-laws who are CPAs in Indiana. Christmas usually involves at least a few accounting discussions over dinner.