Often a simple situation may seem innocent, but it can lead to large complications quickly. Conflicts of interest are unavoidable and occur frequently for CPAs in business and industry. What will you do when they happen? Will you take the necessary steps to remain ethical and to protect your license? We will show you how in detail. You and I have a responsibility to our organizations and to the public to be ethical. If you do not follow the prescribed steps, as detailed in the Code of Professional Conduct, there will be problems. Do not forget your duty to the public.
A dedicated interest in enhancing the ethical reputation of our profession and at least six (6) months of professional financial statement analysis experience
Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.
Registration is open through 04/18.
2:00pm to 3:00pm
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April 15, 2025