
A Fox in the Henhouse/Courthouse


The ancient Romans had a saying about using caution when appointing someone to a position of trust, "don't set a wolf to watch the sheep". That saying is in use today and has changed to include "don't put a fox to guard the henhouses";. The thought is similar, but the wolf and fox are vastly different animals. Wolves rely upon their strength to survive while foxes rely on their cunning. Like foxes, fraudsters rely upon their cunning to defeat or circumvent internal controls. This session reviews the investigation of a deputy court clerk who exploited a weakness in internal controls and committed fraud in the courthouse.




  • Learn the relationship between the three elements of fraud and how fraudsters think
  • Understand how internal controls prevent fraud
  • Learn the red flags to look for to identify fraud
  • Learn to investigate fraud


  • Internal Controls
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Fraud Investigation

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Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.

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1 CPE Credits
Accounting: 0.5 Credits Auditing: 0.5 Credits


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Registration is open through 06/13.

Friday, June 13th

3:00pm to 3:57pm

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Daniel Porter