Design your own auditing and accounting learning with this 2-day conference. Up to 16 hours of YB hours available, alongside a wide variety of other accounting and auditing topics. You will get updates from some of our favorite speakers breaking down new rules and guidance on some current regulations.
Designed for: Accountants and auditors in public practice and those in industry, government and education.
Thank you to our sponsor: AssuredPartners
Wednesday, May 14th
Sherry Chesser, CPA, Landmark PLC CPAs
Chris Kuehl, Armada Corporate Intelligence
Danny Martinez, Partner
Ed McGillis, Data & AI Associate Director
Scott Reeser, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Andy Bennett, Senior Vice President - Sales, AssuredPartners
Hal Jankowski, Business Officer, University of Cincinnati
Thomas Wagner, Chief Technology Officer
Marshall Smith, Office of Finance and Operations
Kyle Brice, Sr. Analyst, Special Agent, US Department of the Treasury IRS Criminal Investigation Division
Ballard Cassady, Government Affairs Director, Kentucky Society of CPAs
Russ Woodward, Capital Link Consultants
Thursday, May 15th
Melisa Galasso, Founder & CEO, Galasso Learning Solutions
William Kohm, Audit Director/Shareholder, Dean Dorton PLLC
Robert Eger, Professor of Accounting, Bellarmine University ATTN: Business Affairs
Lisa Simpson, VP Firm Services, AICPA
Shawnna Crouse, KY Auditor of Public Accounts
Alexandria Romero, Governmental A&A Training Facilitator, Galasso Learning Solutions
3:10PM to 4:00PM / General Sessions
9:50AM to 10:40AM / General Sessions
Review and choose your sessions and options above.
Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.
Registration is open through 05/13.
8:00am to 4:00pm (Check-In 7:30am)
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July 31, 2025
November 11, 2025