Jaclyn Badeau,
President, Badeau Consulting, LLC, Badeau Consulting LLC
Jennifer Siebenthaler,
Ernst and Young Fellow, Senior Lecturer, University of Kentucky
The accounting profession is facing a significant talent shortage, with up to 75% of current CPAs nearing retirement in the next 5-10 years. In this presentation, we'll explore strategies to build a sustainable talent pipeline, focusing on how small businesses can attract and retain the next generation of accountants. We'll discuss key trends shaping the future of the accounting workforce, the expectations of current college students, and how businesses can evolve to become more appealing employers. By implementing these strategies, small businesses can position themselves as employers of choice and ensure a steady flow of talent for years to come.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the current state of the accounting talent pipeline and the challenges facing the profession.
2. Identify key motivators and preferences of current college students when choosing an employer in the accounting field.
3. Learn practical strategies for small businesses to enhance their employer appeal through business model and cultural evolution.