
Dashboard and Report Design Principles Using Excel


If you...

  • Produce or revise dashboards and reports
  • Find your current reports and dashboards confusing
  • Are frustrated by the length, complexity and structure of your existing reports
  • Have many different styles of dashboards and reports in use and want to simplify things
  • Need to create a consistent “house style” that can be replicated by different teams
  • Want to look like a star by creating reports and dashboards that your internal customers love

... this workshop can help. In this session we explore the principles of what makes reports and dashboards easy, or hard, to understand, distil this into a simple set of rules and show you how to apply these rules using Excel.




  • Understand the principles of good dashboard and report visual design
  • Be able to review and identify issues with existing information dashboards and reports
  • Know how to apply those principles using Excel


  • How to design charts for fastest possible user understanding and ease of use
  • Review of case studies for group critique
  • Developing a design standard for your organization
  • Designing tables for rapid understanding and efficient space use
  • How to use commentary, maintaining a consistent style and level of detail
  • Using layout to support long-term memory and improve understanding
  • The impact of trend methods on user understanding and a brief introduction to a statistically valid method for trend analysis.
  • How to apply these techniques using Excel

Register Now

Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.

Event Code:


4 CPE Credits
Computer Software & Applications: 4 Credits


Member Price:
Non-member Price:

Registration is open through 06/28.

Saturday, June 28th

11:00am to 2:38pm

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Bernie Smith