
Tax Fundamentals of LLCs and Partnerships - Tax Staff Essentials


Most U.S. businesses are formed as a pass-through entity, which includes partnerships. If you are new to the subject, or if you have worked in this area for years but need a quick review, this course will provide a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts, help you to build a strong foundation of knowledge, and freshen up your analytical skills. Talking about tax can sometimes sound like you're speaking a foreign language in front of your clients. You can leverage the tone of the course materials to explain complex issues with accuracy and confidence.




  • Identify the effects of investor contributions and distributions on their basis in a partnership or LLC interest.
  • Calculate the tax basis of assets transferred to a partnership or LLC at formation.
  • Recognize the tax consequences of a transfer of liabilities to a partnership or LLC in connection with property transfers at formation.
  • Calculate the partner's or member's remaining basis in their interest following a distribution of cash or property from the partnership or LLC.
  • Calculate the amount of the guaranteed payment when the partner is to receive the lesser of a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage of partnership income.
  • Distinguish between "book" allocations required under Section 704(b) and "tax" allocations required under Section 704(c).
  • Identify the potential economic consequences of a special allocation to a partner or LLC member.


  • Basic tax structure of partnerships and LLCs
  • Electing to be taxed as a partnership: "Check-the-box" rules
  • Partnership distributions
  • Compensatory payments to partners
  • At-risk and passive activity limits
  • Profit and loss allocations: general rules and restrictions

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    Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.

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    8 CPE Credits
    Tax: 8 Credits


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    Registration is open through 01/28.

    Tuesday, January 28th

    9:00am to 5:00pm

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    Deborah Phillips