
Surgent's Auditing 401(k) Plans: Critical Issues and Annual Update


Due to increasing scrutiny in the employee benefit plan area, it is imperative for auditors of 401(k) plans to remain up to date on the rules and regulations that may impact the audit engagement. With SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard, now effective, this knowledge is even more critical.

In this course, auditors will enhance their knowledge by understanding the changes affecting audit procedures and reporting under SAS 136, identifying best practices, and performing efficient audit engagements.


Basic understanding of auditing defined contribution plans


  • Recall key elements of SAS 136
  • Understand the current changes to the rules and regulations associated with 401(k) plans
  • Identify best practices associated with engagement performance
  • Understand the risks associated with a benefit plan audit engagement
  • Avoid common mistakes noted during peer reviews


  • Key requirements of SAS 136
  • Changes affecting 401(k) plans 
  • Audit strategy and improving overall efficiency
  • Common mistakes as noted in peer reviews and DOL inspections

Register Now

Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.

Event Code:


4 CPE Credits
Auditing: 4 Credits


Member Price:
Non-member Price:

Registration is open through 03/10.

Monday, March 10th

9:00am to 12:30pm

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Melissa Critcher