Gerald Ford once said that "[n]othing in life is more important that the ability to communicate effectively." Public speaking remains a centuries-old skill that allows individuals to effectively communicate both at a personal and professional level. The benefits of good public speaking run long, whether it be the ability to persuade others, lead a team, or encourage critical thinking.
This course is designed to refresh and refine speaking skills for professionals. Through this webinar, participants will gain a better understanding of the core skills of how to communicate effectively in groups - big or small. The webinar is intended to help those who already speak in public better improve their skills, while at the same time teaching more novice speakers how to approach a task that so many professionals dread - speaking in front of others.
General familiarity with business principles
Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.
Registration is open through 02/20.
1:00pm to 3:00pm
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February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025