Starting a business is tough! There are lots of decisions to be made and things to think about. You may feel like you have a great idea. You have done your marketing research, developed a prototype, and even looked at locations for your new office. Then it dawns on you.. What type of entity do I need to be? Is there really an advantage to choosing one entity type over the other? In this class, we will dig into the differences between entity types - from taxes to liability. We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of accounting. Whether you are a small business owner looking to start something new or a practitioner looking to expand your client advisory services, this course is the one for you!
Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.
Registration is open through 02/10.
10:00am to 12:00pm
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February 7, 2025
February 10, 2025