
Whistleblowers and the Law


Honest people face real challenges when working in an unethical environment. Business owners may be at risk if team members feel as though policies and practices within the business violate rules, regulations, or laws. Some of those employees may contact authorities. Perhaps they work in an undercover capacity, exposing the business owner and other people that work with the business, or align with the business, to both government investigations and potentially criminal prosecutions. Participants will learn from a real story which led to criminal prosecution for Medicare Fraud. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.




After attending this presentation participants will...

  • Understand how whistle-blowing incentives influence employee decisions.
  • Identify how workplace pressures can threaten the viability of a business.
  • Show the importance of leadership buy-in on complying with laws and regulations.
  • Describe how corporate policies influence risk levels.
  • Explain the relationship between business decisions and potential prosecution.


The major topics that will be covered in this class include:

  • Government incentives to turn professionals into informants.
  • What influences a fraudulent culture in a professional environment?
  • How misleading investigators can lead to federal prison.A
  • Influence of pressures and crime.
  • C-Suite influences and leadership

Register Now

Materials are generally available 3 days in advance of an event. Once you have downloaded the manual, we are unable to cancel your registration.

Event Code:


2 CPE Credits
Ethics: 2 Credits


Member Price:
Non-member Price:

Registration is open through 01/22.

Wednesday, January 22nd

2:30pm to 4:30pm

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Justin Paperny